Specific ways you can give to AOET ICO:
- School Lunches for AOET Kenya $7
For many of the Children not just at our Schools, but also vocational training programs,…, lunch is the only meal they eat all day. The staff found that many kids were having a hard time concentrating at school due to a lack of food at home, so all our training centers started serving lunch. With $7 AOET can provide a week’s worth of meals for one student.
- A Month of Care for Vulnerable Child in AOET Rwanda $30
AOET supports Christian homes that provide loving care for thousands of orphaned, abandoned, and destitute children. Just $30—the cost of a month’s worth of meals, healthcare, and education—can help a hurting child and their caregivers discover the everlasting love of our heavenly Father.
- Fight Diseases with Medicine $50
Malaria, tuberculosis, and HIV/AIDS are three of the world’s most dreaded diseases. They kill millions of people each year and have undermined the stability of entire nations. Yet all three can be prevented and except for HIV they can be cured.
AOET is fighting these and other diseases through a variety of clinics in Uganda and all the other country programs. This fund enables our staff to bring medical care, health services, hygiene projects, and other aid to desperate communities as needs arise and the Lord opens doors. In the face of death and despair, AOET is able to share the hope of everlasting life in Jesus Christ.
- Build a Home at the Children’s Village $24,000 – Share the Cost $240
Every 14 seconds an African child looses a parent to AIDS. AOET is building Rehobath Village to place these children back into a home environment. Willing families are identified, matched with 3-4 orphans and moved into a home of their own. During the 4 year stay in the village, the family will be given Vocational skills, and given an opportunity to work in any of the income generating activities of the Village (Poultry, Piggery, Crop farming, Block/brick making…) while earning and saving their income which will go towards the acquisition of their own new home after the four year period they will be in the training village while the organization provides subsidized medical care, meets the utility bills and monitors the family’s income. You can build a 3 bedroom home for a family in the village for $24,000 or share the cost with others for $240.
Malaria kills 3,000 children in Sub-Saharan Africa everyday. Many parents are unable to purchase a mosquito net to protect their families from this deadly disease. With $5 AOET can provide a mosquito net.
- Bicycles for Community Workers - AOET Uganda $100
AOET has training and equipped community workers as first responders for medical, social and spiritual needs. Each individual organizes mobile clinics, performs home visits and cares for the community around them on a regular basis. These volunteers cover many square miles of villages and often times have to walk more than a day to visit someone. You can provide one of these workers with a bike for $100 to make their work easier and enable them to carry more supplies as they travel.
- Bibles & Christian Literature $30
AOET works with local believers to bring God’s Word to thousands of poor and suffering people. For most, it’s their first time to read the Good News in their own language. A gift of $30 can provide Scripture and other materials that lead the way to true freedom in Jesus Christ. "If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free" (John 8:31-32, NASB).
- Farming Supplies for AOET Zambia $45
Many women living in impoverished rural communities struggle in feeding their families. To help educate and equip these women to farm some of their own food, AOET Uganda, AOET Zambia, AOET Botswana and AOET Rwanda are helping communities get sustainable sources of food and possibly income. A gift of $45 can provide a woman with the training, tools, seeds, and supplies to grow ample food for her family.
- Vocational Training - AOET RWANDA $120
Widows, orphaned teens, women whose husbands do not provide for their families, and other at-risk women face hunger and shame because they cannot support themselves or their children. Your gift of $120 to provide vocational training can change the life of such a woman or girl in Uganda. You’ll provide skills instruction, materials, marketing training, and ongoing support that will open the door to a respectable, rewarding trade such as tailoring, cosmetology, jewelry-making, or dairy farming — and keep women and girls from unthinkable, soul-numbing choices like street begging or prostitution.
- FISH PONDS - AOET Zambia $400
For $400, you can help a family set up a sizable fish pond, purchase baby fish that will continue to multiply, providing a sustainable source of nutritious food and income for a family.
- Sponsor a BIBLE DINNER - AOET Uganda $165
AOET hosts a Bible dinner on Wednesday evening for the different communities. This outreach has already led many Muslims to Christ and inspired a local church plant. Each event is attended by over 200 people and includes the distribution of Christian literature and Bibles, praise and worship and a message from the Word. You can sponsor one Wednesday Night Bible Dinner for $165.
- Sponsor a MOBILE CLINIC TENT - AOET Uganda & AOET Zambia, $1500
Twice a week AOET’s Staff relocates their Mobile Clinic to a local village where they perform HIV testing, counseling and medical care. Right now the mobile clinics are held in a small field under trees and on the grass. $1500 will provide a willed tent where examinations can occur and the process can be more confidential and sanitary.
AOET Uganda and AOET Zambia URGENTLY need a tent each for their medical programs, and AOET Rwanda needs one urgently for Children that come to write back to their sponsors.
Education reduces poverty; studies show that each year of schooling increases a person’s earnings by a worldwide average of about 10 percent. To make schooling more dynamic and creative, AOET’s Schools need teaching aids and supplies. Your gift will equip the school with things like teaching materials, textbooks, toys, and more — helping to ensure children get the basic education they deserve.
Access to computers and new technology can provide life-changing educational opportunities for all – Children, youth and Adults in impoverished communities. Our desire is to provide a computer lab for every AOET country program. Your gift of $650 will provide a complete Desk top computer set and training.
- Sponsor a clean and Safe Drinking Water source (Borehole) AOET Botswana -
Undesignated funds are needed for emergencies, - Staff Salary deficits, sickness, maintenance and repair, unexpected deaths (which is very common in Africa), ...
Many times AOET staff don’t have any extra funds to be helpful in very difficult situations! Any contribution to this fund would be highly appreciated.